Services IKTEO

  1. Pre-Technical Service
    You want to see in what state vehicle is in? We offer a free courtesy checkup for your vehicle. Our professional staff will inform you about the status of your vehicle.
  2. Voluntary Technical Check Service
    Do you need a Certificate of VOLUNTARY SAFETY ROADWORTHINESS for your vehicle or third party use? You can have a voluntary inspection. Our professional staff will inform you about the status of your vehicle and will issue the corresponding VOLUNTARY SAFETY TECHNICAL INSPECTION.
  3. Transfer Service Vehicle
    If for any reason you cannot bring your car for vehicle testing, our IKTEO CHANIA staff comes to your home will take your car passes it through an inspection and return it immediately to you after the inspection.
  4. Technical Inspection Service
    New vehicles are checked four years after their first release. Vehicles that have been purchased from importers – resellers must be checked within two years of their transfer to you! Trucks, lorries, buses and any other special categories of vehicles (e.g. ambulances) after one year! From then onwards a periodic inspection takes place every two years for vehicles, and trucks of less than 3500, and every year for the rest.
    Inspection Types:
  • Checking IX Checking trucks up to 3.5 tonnes
  • Check Passenger Public Use (Taxi)
  • Inspection of vehicles for Educational purposes and motorcycles
  • Heavy Vehicles over the 3.5 tons
  • Check BUS
  • Check motorcycles
  • Checking ADR
  • ATP Check
  • Installation Checking LPG
  • Check Existence ABS system in trucks.
  • Check Subsequent ABS Installation in trucks.
  • Exhaust Card (sat)
    All vehicles must be equipped with an exhaust gas card after a year.
    Then they are retested every year, except for Heavy vehicles and Training which takes place every six months!
    ATTENTION! The issued certificates of ROADWORTHINESS from 2011 onwards shall serve for a year for cars and six months for trucks!


5. Playground While you wait until your vehicle control, you can relax together with your children in our safe playground, playing on swings, the seesaw and slide.

6. Free Bicycle Use You can borrow one of the bicycles available at our facilities to enjoy a bike ride in Chania or to do your work without the stress of looking for a parking.